The Probus Club of Fakenham and District:
Constitution and Rules
1. NAME. The Club shall be named “The Probus Club of Fakenham”.
2. MEMBERSHIP. Membership shall be open to all retired, or partially retired
men resident in Fakenham & District. Any member may introduce an applicant for Membership and admission shall be subject to the approval of the Committee.
3. OBJECTS. The aim of the Club shall be to provide a regular Meeting Point, and to promote the social well-being of its members through companionship, discussion, and such other pursuits as may be agreed upon. The Club shall be non-political and non-sectarian and shall aim not to compete or conflict with any other organisation which has special interests in Senior Members of the Community. The meeting point is to be decided by the Committee having consulted the Members.
4. COMMITTEE. The election of members of the Committee shall be held at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. There shall be a President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Speaker Finder, Membership Secretary, and an Almoner. The Affairs of the Club shall be entrusted to these officers, plus one other Member. The President may serve for two years and the outgoing President may be, ex-officio, a member of the Committee for the year following his Presidency.
In the event of no nominations being received for one or more of the Officer posts and no member of the elected Committee being willing to take on one or more of them, a majority decision can be taken by the Committee to ask the retiring officer to stay until the next Annual General Meeting.
Three Members of the Committee shall make a quorum. The Speaker Finder shall be responsible for finding the monthly speakers, either from the Club or outside. He should consult the Committee if there are any difficulties and he may also appoint up to three members to assist him.
5. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. This shall be held within three months of the financial year end. Ten Members shall form a quorum for a General Meeting.
6. ORDINARY MEETINGS. Shall normally be held on the second Monday of each month. Members who are unable to attend must notify the person nominated for that purpose not later than 12 noon on the Thursday preceding the Meeting. Failure to do so may render members liable for the cost of the meal provided. Members will be responsible for payment of their own meal and for their own drinks. Any change in the dining fee may be decided upon by a majority vote at the previous ordinary meeting.
7. SPECIAL MEETINGS. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary at the request of the Committee or not less than 10 members. Fourteen days’ notice of such a meeting shall be given.
8. VOTING. Shall normally be by show of hands, but a ballot may be requested by a majority of members present. In the event of a tie the President shall have the casting vote. All propositions need to be seconded before they are debated.
9. GUESTS. A guest may not be invited more than twice in one calendar year. A Member wishing to bring a guest must notify the person nominated for that purpose by noon on the Thursday preceding the meeting.
10. SUBSCRIPTIONS. There will be an Annual Subscription, payable at the Annual General Meeting, the amount of which shall be recommended by the Committee and agreed by the Members. The annual subscription shall be payable upon joining.
11. ACCOUNTS. Accounts which have been Independently Examined shall be presented by the Honorary Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. An Honorary Independent Examiner who may be a member of The Club shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting, or earlier. The Financial Year shall end on the 30th April. The club shall be responsible for any necessary and reasonable expenses of members of the Committee and the Independent Examiner.
12. BANK ACCOUNT. A Bank Account shall be maintained and cheques drawn thereon shall be signed in accordance with the mandate agreed by the Committee. The Committee will also ensure that the club carries suitable insurance.
13. WINDING UP. In the event of the winding-up of the Club, any residual funds shall be donated to a Charity or Charities nominated by the Committee.
14. EMERGENCY. In the event of an emergency the Club Officers shall be empowered to take such action as they deem necessary.
15. ATTENDANCE REGISTER. An Attendance Register will be kept. The Almoner will investigate two consecutive absences without an apology being received.
16. FAKENHAM ROTARY CLUB. Members of the Fakenham Rotary Club will be welcome to attend any meeting provided that the Honorary Secretary is informed no later than 12 noon on the Thursday preceding the meeting.
17. ALTERATION TO RULES. Any alteration to these rules may only be made, after notice at a previous regular meeting, at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting called under rule No.7 for that purpose.
This issue agreed unanimously by members at the AGM on 12 June 2023.